For Upcoming 2019 Arts & Culture Calendar or email to get listing in advance
Mahalo to all who enjoy and support Art and Culture on Kaua’i
Donate by clicking here
Register on AmazonSmile.Org & select Garden island Arts Council to receive .05% of your eligible purchases
March 31 – April 2, 2022, 11:30 – 6:00 pm
Event Address: Sheraton Kaua‘i Coconut Beach Resort, 650 Aleka Loop, Kapaa, HI 96746
phone: (808) 822-3455
FREE TO THE PUBLICThe 6th Annual Kaua‘i Steel Guitar Festival will be held on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 31 – April 2, 2022, at the Sheraton Kaua‘i Coconut Beach Resort. This festival will be presented in the days preceding the annual Aloha Music Camp as an extension of the Hawaiian Steel Guitar experience that is offered at the camp. In addition to steel guitar performances by Hawai‘i steel guitar masters, the festival will include workshops, kanikapila jam sessions for play-along or listening enjoyment, and Open Stage sessions where amateur Hawaiian Steel Guitarists can present their own programs to festival guests.
A “K?k? Pila” kanikapila jam session to kick off the festival will be held on Thursday evening, March 31, 2022, at a location to be announced. Festival musicians, NextGen steel guitarists and members of the Ke Kula Mele Hawai‘i ensemble will be joined by guest performers for a fun evening.
The festival will be presented free to the public by Hawaii Institute for Music Enrichment and Learning Experiences (HIMELE) in association with the Ke Kula Mele Hawai‘i School of Hawaiian Music. The festival website should be checked for updated festival information.
Festival Website: https://www.
Info: contact Alan Akaka at
Friday, April 1, 2022 — Performances begin
Kauai Community Players present “The Roommate”
A dark comedy about what it takes to re-route your life and what happens when the wheels come off.
Rated R: Adult themes of sex, drugs, alcohol, smoking, crimes & voodoo
Directed by Faith Harding
Puhi Theatrical Warehouse
Info: Director Faith Harding:
(808) 651-1927
Saturday, April 2, 2022; every first Saturday; 9:00 am-1:00 pm
Lawai International Center is sparkling from the caring hands of helpful volunteers. Please join us as we nurture the grounds and plant orchids Lunches made by the aunties of Lawai will be served.?Bring the following items if you have them, we have extra tools:?Hand gardening tools (garden gloves, light hand weeders, clippers, sickles, and rakes); Weed Wackers, hedge trimmers, brush cutters?Lawai International Center? If you will be able to join us, please text or call, (808) 639-1718;? email
Info: Lynn & your Lawai International Center Family,?
Monday, April 4, 9:00 am
Hawaii Children’s Theatre announces
Summer Stars 2022 Online Registration Starts
Two amazing in-person 6-weeks programs this year
AM Program, Ages 5 – 15
June 13 – July 21m 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
Cabaret style format will focus on singing, dancing, acting workshops;
Coaching culminating in a final performance.
PM Program: Once on this Island, Jr.; Ages 8 – 15
June 13 – July 24
Production-oriented camp. Young actors will put their learned skills to work putting on a full-scale production of “Once On This Island, Jr.”
Previous HCT experience required.
Scholarship application now open; deadline to apply – April 25
Info: info@hawaiichildrenstheatre.
Monday, April 4, 6:00 – 8:30 pm
E Kanikapila Kakou Week #3
Led Kaapana w/ Jesse Gregorio
‘Ukulele circle w/ Led at 5:15 – 6:00 pm
Kauai Beach Resort — Lihue
Saturday, April 9; 9:00 am and 11:30 am
Kauai Museum invites you to join “Uncle Onio”
To make your own Easter basket out of coconut frond
Eugene Onio Punzal is cultural weaving practitioner
With the Kauai Museum
$35 for two-hour workshop; materials included
Space Limited
Register: Kauai Museum; (808) 245-6913;
Uncle Onio; (808) 639-7722
Monday, April 11, 6:00 – 8:30 pm
E Kanikapila Kakou Week #4
Kupaoa & Ke Ala Aumoe Hula Dancers
‘Ukulele circle at 5:15 – 6:00 pm
Kauai Beach Resort — Lihue
Wednesday, April 13; The second Wednesday of every month
Climate Action Forum
Our April 13 forum will be a legislative Update with leaders from the Hawaii State Environmental Caucus discussing climate and environmental bills of importance that are still alive. Our Kauai legislators have been invited to participate as well. Forum is cosponsored by Surfrider Foundation, Zero Waste Kauai and Kauai Climate Action Coalition. Forum can be watched live on
Can also watch live on ZeroWasteKauai FaceBook page. For more information email
Many thanks Carol for making Kauai Climate Action Forums a regular feature event on your email blasts. AND so happy to see EKK is back!
Wednesday, April 13, 7:00 pm
Kauai Concert Association present:
LA VOIX – The Eighth Wonder of the World
Kauai War Memorial Convention Hall
Tickets: $40 — www.Kauai-Concert.Org
Monday, April 18, 6:00 – 8:30 pm
E Kanikapila Kakou Week #5
‘O’iwi – John Mahi, Bronson Aiwohi, DJ Yaris
‘Ukulele circle at 5:15 – 6:00 pm
Kauai Beach Resort — Lihue
Monday, April 25, 6:00 – 8:30 pm
E Kanikapila Kakou Week #6
“Community Hula Night” w/ Malie Foundation
Hula circles at start at 5:15 pm
Kauai Beach Resort — Lihue
Sunday, May 1; 2:00 pm (Honolulu Event)
Hawaii Theatre presents
Kalani Pe’a – May Day is Lei Day in Hawai’i
Special Guests Ho’okena, Keiluna, Hoku Zuttermeister, Hula Halau O Kamuela. Hosted by Mele Apana
Tickets: HAWAIITHEATRE.COM; or call Box Office (808) 528-0506
Saturday, May 7; 4:00 – 9:30 pm (Doors open at 3:30 pm)
Kauai Songwriters Music Festival Songwriters Showcase
Featured Artists:
Ken Emerson–Grammy Award Winning Composer
Kealoha–Hawaii State Poet Laureate
Allan Thomas–internationally acclaimed songwriter
Showcasing Local Songwriters – Kimberly Hope, Kirby Keough, Terry Low & Friends, Maria Stice, Bill Dick & Friends, Chris-WhiteRoot & Friends, Kaua’I Greenhouse Band, Warren Dastrup & Friends
Hilton Garden Inn – next to Wailua Lydgate Park
Ticket Information TBA
W/ Support of the Hawaii Tourism Authority, Kauai Visitors Bureau, Hilton Garden Inn,
Tickets Link: Buy tickets for Kauai Songwriters Music Festival
Saturday, May 7, 7:00 pm
The Mokihana Club Benefit Concert & Online Auction
An Evening of Hawaiian Music
Keola Beamer & Jeff Peterson
With Moanalani Beamer
Kauai Beach Resort – Jasmine Ballroom
Tickets $55 General/ $80 Gold Circle
Tickets & Auction at (808) 755-5235
Proof of Vaccination or Negative Test within 48 hours required
Benefits Nursing Students, Music Studients & Community Outreach Projects
Kauai Community Players announces
Stephen Sondheim’s masterpiece COMPANY!
Directed by Dennis McGraw
Performances are May 13-29, 2022
Thursdays, Fridays and Saturday at 7:00 pm/Sundays at 4:00 pm.
Info: Director Dennis McGraw – (808) 651-2417;
Monday, May 30, 6:00 – 8:30 pm
E Kanikapila Kakou Special Concert
“Legacy of Our Legends” Hosted by MAKANA
Kauai Beach Resort — Lihue
Saturday, June 4, 10:00 am – 12:00 noon
Hawaii Craftsmen Entry Day for Fiber Hawaii 2022
Downtown Art Center
Opening Reception: Wednesday, June 8, 4:00 – 6:00 pm
Exhibition Dates: June 8 – July 1, 2022
Downtown Art Center
Prospectus available soon at
Juror: Amos Kotomori, fashion designer & creative consultant – “manifest your vision. create bodies by being in the moment, capturing each breath and telling your story. trust the energy within to inspire all who date to feel. let the world see who you are.”
Hawaii State Foundation on Culture & The Arts
asking interested artists to submit qualifications
for various commissioned works in upcoming
HSFCA public art projects. Register with
website developed by Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF) to
facilitate calls for artists & artworks. Registration is free, secure and
offers access to visual arts opportunities nationwide.
Go to
answers to FAQs, tech tips, image prep and Questions forum.
Kathy Kovala Watercolor Classes
Live Classes on the Lanai
Wednesday mornings, 9:30 – 12:30; $40
Saturday ZOOM classes – 9:00 am – 12:00 noon (Hawaii time); $35
Info: Kathy Kovala, kathykovalawatercolor@gmail.
Plein air pastel lessons w/ Helen Turner
One-on-one or two max in the field; beginners or advanced
All materials provided
Plein air oil painting lessons w/ Helen Turner
One-on-one in the field; beginners or advanced
All materials provided
Waimea Studio, 10:30 am-2:30 pm weekdays,
9665 Kaumuali’I Hwy; across Shrimp Station
Info: (808) 346-9357;
HAL display case: “Kaua’i Community College – nearly 100 years of history in the making…”
United display case: “A Glimpse into the World of Kaua’i Art and Artists #2”
Brought to you by Garden Island Arts Council
Funded by a grant from the County of Kauai
(open to all passengers in transit)
Kauai Community Players 2022 Season Tickets on Sale Now
April 1 – 17: “The Roommate” by Jen Silverman; directed by Faith Harding
May 13 – 19: “Company” book by George Furth/Music & Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim; directed by Dennis McGraw
Tickets & Info:
First Saturday of each month; 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Lawai International Center Community Caring Day
Nurture grounds & plant orchids; no tools necessary;
lunch will be provided.
Reservations: (808) 639-5952;;
Visit the 88 Shrines
2nd & 4th Sunday of every month
Tours at 10:00 am, 12:00 noon, 2:00 pm
Lawai International Center Sanctuary
Donations are appreciated with gratitude
Reservations: (808) 639-5952;
The second Wednesday of every month free public forums are held on an aspect of the Climate Crisis organized by Kauai Climate Action Coalition, Surfrider Kauai and Zero Waste Kauai on
Info: Laurel B (808) 635-7941
Kauai Community College Office of Continuing Education Online Classes offered
Kauai Community College Free Classes
Are you a Kauai resident? Have you been affected by the pandemic? Lost your job? Decrease in work hours? Take a class to increase your employability
Call (808) 245-8313 to register: Email:
Register:; or call KCC-OCET (808) 245-8318
Kumu’s Cupboard is Open (former Payless Shoes location)
The Free School Supply Store for Kauai Educators
Regular Store Hours:
Tuesdays: 3:00 – 6:30 pm
Fridays: 3:00 – 6:30 pm
Saturdays: 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Sundays: 1:00 – 4:00 pm
Covid-19 Safety Rules in effect
Farmers Markets Weekly Schedule:
Weekly Sunshine Markets: Fresh ingredients, holiday foods & gifts, taro products, tropical plants and flowers, coffee, holiday pies & baked goods,
goat cheese, health & beauty items from goat’s milk and more.
Sunday Hanalei Market – 12:00 – 2:30 pm
Monday Pau Hana Market at Kukui Grove – Mondays, 3:00 – 5:30 pm
Kealia Farm Market – Monday 3 – 6 pm
Coconut Marketplace – Tuesday 9 am – 1 pm
Waipa Farmers Market – Tuesday 3:00 pm – dusk
Kapaa Sunshine Market – Wednesday, 3 – 4:30 pm
The Farmers Market, Shops@Kukuiula – Wednesday 3:30 – 5:30 pm
Hanapepe Sunshine Market – Thursday 3 – 4 pm
Coconut Marketplace – Thursday 9 am – 1 pm
Kealia Farm Market – Friday 3 – 6 pm
Puhi Park Produce – Saturday 10 am – sold out
Anaina Hou Community Park – Saturday 9 am – 12 pm (Kupuna 9 – 9:30 am)
Hale Halawai Farmers Market – Saturday 9:30 am – 12:00 noon
The Kauai Community Market at KCC closed due to COVID-19 and campus closure to the public
Murals on view in Lihue:
NirMANAfest, Kauai’s mural festival will premier mural painting by 15 mural artists on five walls at the end of Umi Street off Rice Street. These 15 artists were selected out of a broad range of applicants by a panel of experts including Carol Bennett, Elsa Alvarez, Carol Yotsuda, Vanessa Owens and Addison Bulosan. There is a youth mentoring component as part of this Rice Street Project. Public viewing of muralists at work will be available.
Locations: former Big Save Market façade facing north to the shoppers parking lot; former Lihue Café Restaurant and adjoining apartment complex at makai end of Umi Street.
Please check out the NirMANAfest website and promote it in conversations you have about Rice Street Creative Community development:
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Announces
Re-instatement of Public Visitation to K?lauea Point National Wildlife Refuge
Beginning July 9, 2020, K?lauea Point NWR will re-instate public visitation
NTBG (National Tropical Botanical Garden) will open its Kauai gardens:
Limahuli Garden, north shore
McBryde Garden and Allerton Garden
All tours require a reservation
Garden admission fees have been modified to accommodate every member of the community;
Reservation:; or call (808) 742-2623 for McBryde & Allerton; (808) 826-1053 for Limahuli
Media contact:
The Mokan Nokan Show:
Please view my new music video “IF U Believe”
Created always w/ Positive Vibes & Good Intentions! Believe in Your Dreams! Walk Good Always!
New Music Video “SWEET LOVE”
New music video “LIGHT FORCE”
New Music Video “Wherever the truth may take you”
Created to inspire and uplift the human consciousness
New Music Video “Golden Child”
Sent with Love to Inspire & Uplift You in these challenging times
New Movie short/music video “A Beautiful Dream”
New movie short/music video “I Remember”
New music video “Hold Onto Love”
New Episode: “It’s Not Easy Being Me”
Broadcasting 5 times a week on OC16 Channel 12
Kauai Profile and Interesting Things Happening on Kauai
View Episodes —
Info: Mel Bell-Grey, (808) 431-4711
Second Saturday of each month, 8:30 pm until lunch
Friends of the Path Clean Up
Ke Ala Hele Makalae, the path that goes by the coast
Potluck lunch at 11:00 am
Meet at the rest pavilion makai of the Kapaa Neighborhood Center
Info: Brett, (808) 639-4561
Every third Wednesday, 3:30 pm
Dolphin Touch Wellness Center
Reiki Circle — Energy Therapy
Free and open to all; no experience necessary
Info: Jeanne Russell (808) 822-4414;
Wednesdays, 5:00 – 6:00 pm (ON HOLD DURING PANDEMIC)
Hula ‘Auana Class
Instructor: Sherri “Puni” Patrick
New session begins every quarter
At the Kaua’i Museum
No charge
Info: Kauai Museum, (808) 245-6931
Thursdays, 5:00 – 7:00 pm
Hula for Kupuna – by invitation only
Instructor: Sherri “Puni” Patrick
Waimea Neighborhood Center Courtroom
New sessions begin every quarter
No charge
Info: Sherri “Puni” Patrick (808) 651-5744
Halau Hula O Leilani Registration for Hula and Tahitian Classes
Call (or text) kumu Leilani Rivera Low at 808-651-0682 to register now through December for hula classes and Tahitian classes in Kapaa and Koloa.
Mondays – hula classes at Ka Ui o ka Aina center in Coconut Marketplace, Kapaa. Kaikamahine ages 5-12 at 5:00 pm. Teens & wahine 6:30– 8:00 pm
Tuesdays – Koloa Neighborhood Center, hula classes for girls ages 4-12 from 3:45 pm
Wednesdays – Tahitian classes for kaikamahine by Ariel Leilani Bond
at 6:00-6:45 pm at Courtyard by Marriott Hotel.
Thursdays – Tahitian Class for teens, Koloa Neighborhood Ctr, 4:30 – 5:30 pm
Saturdays – Tahitian classes for teens & wahine by Ariel Leilani Bond,
11:00 am- 12:00 pm at Hawaiian Cultural Center in Coconut Marketplace.
Info: Leilani Low or text (808) 651-0682 or email darryl.leilani@
Ongoing Thursdays, 4:00 – 5:30 pm
Aloha International’s
“Halau Hula Na Lei Kupua O Kaua’i”
Dance, Chant, Language & Legends
Under the direction of Ho’opa’a Fern Merle-Jones & Kumu Susan Pa’iniu Floyd
Under the guidance of Hula Loea Kawaikapuokalani Hewett
At private location (call to inquire)
Info: Call Fern Merle-Jones, (808) 828-1342;
Waimea Plantation Lifestyle Tour
Ongoing – Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,
volunteer guides lead walking tours through
the Waimea Plantation Cottages and the Waimea
Sugar Company “camp” houses, which date from the
turn of the 20th century. Tours take approximately
90 minutes and are limited to 12 people.
Waimea Town
Info: (808) 337-1005
Kauai Dance Theatre?
Winter-Spring Term is January 3 – May 4, 2022
Ballet & Tap Dance Classes for ages 6 – Adult in Kalaheo
For details visit
Join us for our 36th season of “Quality Instruction in the Art of Dance”
Janie Crane, Director, (808) 332-9737,
Kauai Dance Center
Professional dance training ages 3 through advanced.
Beginning Adults welcome.
Dance classes for all ages and abilities
Ballet, Hip Hop, Lyrical, Spanish dance & Modern Dance.
Directors, Jennifer Bell-Grey & Mel Bell-Grey
Dance season Aug 2018-May 2019 – enrolling now
Start lessons anytime throughout the year
Performing opportunities available
Schedule your free trial class today.?
Tel: (808) 823-9588 Cell/text (415) 990-5145
Accredited teacher graduate of the Royal Ballet School London, England. Diploma Royal Academy of Dancing.
Home Studio located at Eyes Wide Open Productions Nawiliwili/Lihue as well as a satellite studio on the North Shore, Princeville community center.
Aloha Dance Studio — Enrolling now
full schedule online at
Professional instruction for ages 3 through adult
Hip Hop, Tap, Jazz, Ballet, Pointe, Modern,
Flamenco, Contemporary and Lyrical jazz
Elite Company Groups
Freaky Fridays at Kukui Grove Center every October
Beginner through Advanced welcome
Info: Tiffany Dodge, (808) 245-1810
Kaua’i Songwriters — A Network and Hui for Kaua’i Songwriters
Monthly songwriting circle for songwriters wishing to share and discuss their work.
2022 Dates: Saturdays from 12:00 – 2:00 pm
March 12; April 16; May 14; June 11; July 16; August 3; September 17
Meet on the lanai of the KCC PAC. Songwriters wishing to participate must register as a visitor on the UH Lumisight website where you upload your vaccination or COVID information. Do this a week before your first session:
Info: (monthly update of participants)
Every Evening
Rice Street Business Association hosts
Online music concerts Live video broadcasts from home of musicians; local businesses promoted
Call to make arrangements:
Private `Ukulele Lessons by Kirk Smart
Hanalei Strings and Things, Ching Young Village, Hanalei
Info: Kirk Smart,; (808) 826,9633
First Saturday of the Month Open House, 6:00-9:00 pm
Monday, 1:00 – 2:00 pm — Basic
Thursdays. 1:00 – 2:00 pm — Advanced
Qi Gong Golden 8
Qi Gong Classes – ONGOING via ZOOM
Promotes balancing the body for greater health, increasing vitality,
and radiating more energy
Free for all ages
Info: (808) 635-0306; Peter Sterne
Pu’uwai Fitness Kauai
Fitness Classes in Kalaheo and Poipu
Barre, Yoga, Pilates, TRX, Circuit
Location: Southside sports Center (Poipu) and Private Studio (Kalaheo)
Covid-19 Safety Details are followed
call (808) 332-6320 for directions
Info: Jodee Burris, ACE Certified Group Fitness Instructor, 212-4034,
Current schedule & fees online:
* * * * * * *
“The problem with doing nothing is not knowing when you’re finished”
–Nelson DeMille