For Upcoming 2020 Arts & Culture Calendar email to get listing in advance
Mahalo to all who enjoy and support Art and Culture on Kaua’i
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July Arts & Culture Events
*** Please check with all events as many have been cancelled or postponed to later date! ***
Kauai Buddhist Council: Kauai Bon Dance 2020 Season Cancelled!
Hawaii Children’s Theatre presents:
July 2 @ 4:45 pm
“The Show Must Go ONLINE!”
A Virtual Children’s Musical
Directed by Marly Madayag
Info: admin@hawaiichildrenstheatre.
Hawaii Children’s Theatre presents:
July 7 @ 4:45 pm
“Letters ALIVE!”
A Virtual Children’s Musical
Directed by Marly Madayag
Info: admin@hawaiichildrenstheatre.
Summer Theatre Programs – Summer Stars Online 2020
Rising Stars, June 8 – July 16; ages 7 – 15, M-F, 8:15 am – 12 pm
Letters Alive!, June 8 – July 7, ages 7 – 15; M-F 12:30 – 2 pm
The Show Must Go ONLINE! June 15 – July 2; ages 8–15; M-F 2:30–5 pm
June 18 – August 3; Tuesdays, 10 am – 11:30 am; Fridays by appointment; ages 14 – 18
6-Week Teen Dramatic Writing Intensive – FREE!! ONLINE!
Instructor: Juli Blachowiack
Message from WIT (Women in Theatre):
So, we put the call out to you, Kauai. To you, our audience, our actors, our directors: How do you envision the theatre of the future? And what role do you want to play in rebuilding it? WIT is actively looking to add to our Board and Leadership team, and is looking for passionate, innovative, and creative individuals to join us! What role would you like to play in building this new theatre? Reach out to the WIT board by writing us at:
We’ll stay in touch as we plan our next steps and we deeply appreciate, as always, your support and encouragement!
NTBG (National Tropical Botanical Garden) will open its Kauai gardens:
Tuesday, June 16—Limahuli Garden, north shore
Wednesday, July 1 – McBryde Garden and Allerton Garden
All tours require a reservation
Garden admission fees have been modified to accommodate every member of the community; Hawaii residents complimentary June 16 – June 30 for Limahuli; July 1 – July 11 for McBryde Garden
Membership specials 50% off for Hawaii residents offered through July 31
Reservation:; or call (808) 742-2623 for McBryde & Allerton; (808) 826-1053 for Limahuli
Media contact:
Hawai’i Craftsmen Annual Statewide Exhibition 2020
October 23 – November 14
Opening Reception: Friday, October 23, 2020, 6:00 -8:00 pm Downtown Art Center, 1041 Nu’uanu Ave, Honolulu, HI, 2nd floor exhibition hall
Intake Dates and Locations
Hawai’i Island: Saturday, October 10, Donkey Mill Art Center
Maui: Sunday, October 11, UH Maui College
Moloka’i: Monday, October 12, Moloka’i Arts Center
Kaua’i: Tuesday, October 13, Kapaa Jodo Mission
Oahu: October 17(intake), October 19 (artwork pickup), Downtown Art Center Juror
Susan Sayre Batton, Oshman Executive Director, San Jose Museum of Art (
Hawaii State Public Library System Service Updates
New Virtual Library Services!
HONOLULU — The Hawaii State Public Library System is dedicated to supporting the health of our communities as Hawaii continues to work on flattening the COVID-19 curve. With the issuance of Governor David Ige’s Sixth Supplementary State Emergency Proclamation on April 25, 2020, HSPLS shares the following updates to our services.
· All public library locations and bookmobile services will be closed until further notice.
· All book drops will continue to be closed until further notice.
Library Materials
We don’t want you to worry about fines and due dates during this stressful time while we are closed. Due dates and holds have been automatically extended.
· All items (including DVDs and HotPicks) checked-out starting March 16thwill have a new due date of June 15, 2020.
· No fines will be charged for items due between March 18th and the time we re-open to the public. For holds that you placed that haven’t been filled, we are extending your requests to make sure you still get what you want after we reopen.
· For holds that are already at your favorite library, we will continue to extend them, so you can pick them up after we reopen.
· All email notifications are turned off right now. Notifications will resume once we reopen.
· No new holds will be taken until we reopen.
Library Cards
With so many amazing online resources that need a library card, we’re doing everything we can to support your access!
· Even if you owe fines/fees over $10, you will still have access to our digital resources. We want to make sure you can find something great to read!
· If your library card expires between February 26 and when we re-open, we will automatically extend your library card for another 30 days. After we re-open, you can come in to renew your card to ensure you have continued access to our digital resources.
· Don’t have a library card? You can now sign up for a library card online! Gain access to ebooks, digital newspapers and magazines, streaming movies and more! Just visit our website at and start filling out your application.
Introducing New Virtual Programming!
While our community has been doing a great job of staying at home, our public librarians have been hard at work to develop new virtual resources for our community. We’re pleased to introduce everyone to our new Virtual Library Services!
The Hawaii State Public Library System offers thousands of programs each year at our 51 branches across six islands. Until we can re-open our libraries to greet you again, we’ve developed some virtual programs to enjoy from your home!
Join some of your favorite Children’s Librarians as they read their favorite stories or learn something new with HSPLS Creates. Simply go to
Online Resources
We are always open at with many amazing online resources available to access from home 24/7. Our online collection includes:
· eBooks and eaudiobooks
· Digital subscriptions to newspapers and magazines, New York Times
· Online classes
· Online language learning
· Many online resources for homework, recreation and research
Enjoy our free resources by using your library card!I just want to talk with someone:
If you have questions or would like to talk with someone, we’re here to help. Please call: Monday – Friday from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
1-800-390-3611 (toll-free for neighbor islands)
Additional Information:
As always, the Hawaii State Public Library System appreciates the continued cooperation and understanding of the community as we continue to support each other.
We look forward to welcoming everyone back to the Hawaii State Public Library System libraries soon. For health and hygiene tips, and reliable news sources about COVID-19, please visit the State of Hawaii Department of Health and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Media Contact:
Mallory Fujitani
Special Assistant l Office of the State Librarian
Hawaii State Public Library System
44 Merchant Street, Honolulu, HI 96813 l (808) 586-3714
Email: mallory.fujitani@
Library Development Services Section
Hawaii State Public Library System
3225 Salt Lake Blvd., Suite 205, Honolulu, HI 96818 | (808) 831-6878
Email: | Web:
Year 2021 Events
7:00 pm; Doors open at 5:30 pm
“An Evening of Hawaiian Music”
Keola Beamer, Jeff Peterson & Uluwehi Guerrero
With Moanalani Beamer
Mokihana Club Benefit Concert & Silent Auction
Benefits Nursing Students, Music Students
& Community Outreach Projects
Kauai Beach Resort, Wailua
Tickets $50 General; $75 Gold Circle
Tickets: (808) 755-5235
* * * *
Many ongoing events may be cancelled or postponed!
* * * *
Every second Saturday of the month: 5:00 – 9:00 pm
Open House at Warehouse 3540
music, food, shops and galleries
3540 Koloa Road, Lawai
Info: Leah Brown (808) 346-1523
Hawaii State Foundation on Culture & The Arts
asking interested artists to submit qualifications
for various commissioned works in upcoming
HSFCA public art projects. Register with
website developed by Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF) to
facilitate calls for artists & artworks. Registration is free, secure and
offers access to visual arts opportunities nationwide.
Go to
answers to FAQs, tech tips, image prep and Questions forum.
Plein air pastel lessons w/ Helen Turner
One-on-one or two max in the field; beginners or advanced
All materials provided
Plein air oil painting lessons w/ Helen Turner
One-on-one in the field; beginners or advanced
All materials provided
Waimea Studio, 10:30 am-2:30 pm weekdays,
9665 Kaumuali’I Hwy; across Shrimp Station
Info: (808) 346-9357;
HAL side: “…and how does your garden grow?”
United side: “Malama HULEIA”
Brought to you by Garden Island Arts Council
Funded by a grant from the County of Kauai OED
(open to all passengers in transit)
Every first Saturday of month, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Lawai International Center Community Caring Day
Nurture grounds and plant orchids; lunch will be served
Bring gloves, clippers, sickles, rakes, weed whackers, hedge trimmers/cutters
Info:; (808) 639-4300;
Weekly Sunshine Markets: Fresh ingredients, holiday foods & gifts, taro products,
tropical plants and flowers, coffee, holiday pies & baked goods,
goat cheese, health & beauty items from goat’s milk and more.
Sundays, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm, Kalalea Anahola Farmers’ Hui, Hokualele Road
Mondays, 12:00, Koloa Sunshine Market, Annie Knudsen Ball Park
Mondays, 3:00 – 4:30 pm, Kukui Grove Sunshine Market, next to K-Mart
Mondays & Fridays, 3 – 7 pm, Kealia Farm Market & tours, Lanai
Tuesdays, 3 – 4 pm, Kalaheo Neighborhood Center
Wednesdays, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm, Kalalea Anahola Farmers’ Hui,
Wednesdays, 3 – 4:30 pm, Kapaa New Town Park
Thursdays, 3:00 – 4:00 pm, Hanapepe Sunshine Market, Park
Thursdays, 4:30 – 5:30 pm, Kilauea Sunshine Market, Neighborhood Center
Fridays, 3:00 – 5:00 pm, Lihue Sunshine Market, Vidinha Stadium
Saturday, 9:30 am – 1:00, KCC Sunshine Market, Kauai Community College
Saturday, 9:00 am – 12:00, Kilauea Sunshine Market, Anaina Hou Comm Ctr
Saturdays, 9:30 – 11:30 am, Hanalei Sunshine Market, Waioli Park
Kauai County Farm Bureau presents:
Wednesdays, 3:30 – 6:00 pm, Kauai Culinary Market, The Shops at Kukuiula
Saturdays, 9:30 am – 1:00 pm, Kauai Community Market, KCC parking lot
Info: KCFB (808) 855-5429; KCC Market Manager (808) 652-3217
The Mokan Nokan Show
Broadcasting 5 times a week on OC16 Channel 12
Kauai Profile and Interesting Things Happening on Kauai
View Episodes —
Info: Mel Bell-Grey, (808) 431-4711
First Monday each month, 5:00 – 7:00 pm
Kekaha Community Garden
Help with our garden work on the first Monday of each month
Learn about the importance of nutritious food-school groups welcome
Free compost bins for residents (call for availability)
8610 Kiowea Road between Aukuu and Elepaio Rds.
(in back of St Paul’s Episcopal Church, Kekaha)
Saturdays monthly, 8:30 am
Forest Workday
Koke’e CCC Camp
Register: Koke’e Natural History Musuem
(808) 335-9975. kokeemuseum@
First Saturday night of each month, 5:30 – 8:30 pm
Old Kapaa Town Art Walk
Live music, meet the artists, tasty bites,
dancing, entertainment, support local businesses
Info: Angelique Ell,
Second Saturday of each month, 8:30 pm until lunch
Friends of the Path Clean Up
Ke Ala Hele Makalae, the path that goes by the coast
Potluck lunch at 11:00 am
Meet at the rest pavilion makai of the Kapaa Neighborhood Center
Info: Brett, (808) 639-4561
Every Sunday, 6:00 – 8:30 pm
Sing, dance and feel the vibrational sounds of energetic meditation chanting
kirtan guided yoga breathing, and spiritual insights from sacred yoga texts
Vegetarian dinner
Anahola location – call for directions
Free and open to the public, (808) 551-6610
Every Tuesday, 10:00 a.m. — 11:30 a.m.
Kauai Baby Swimming Safety Skills
Lava Lava Beach Club
Info: Anastasia,
First Saturday of the Month Open House, 6:00-9:00 pm
Open House — Dolphin Touch Wellness Center
Are you in need of some clarity or relief in your life? Come discover some of the wonderful Holistic Health Practitioners of Kauai. There is a wide array of professionals here to serve all of your health needs. Free sessions on the Amethyst Biomat, mini-readings for $20, free wellness consultations, superfood samples.
Info: Jeanne Russell (808) 822-4414;
Wednesdays, 5:00 – 6:00 pm
Hula ‘Auana Class
Instructor: Sherri “Puni” Patrick
New session begins every quarter
At the Kauai Musuem
No charge
Info: Kauai Museum, (808) 245-6931
Thursdays, 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Hula for Kupuna – by invitation only
Instructor: Sherri “Puni” Patrick
Waimea Neighborhood Center Courtroom
New sessions begins every quarter
No charge
Info: Sherri “Puni” Patrick (808) 651-5744
Sundays 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
88 Shrines at Lawai International Center
Tour times: 10 am, 12 pm, 2 pm
Brief video & talk story session by Lynn Muramoto
Donations are appreciated
Info: (808) 639-4300,
Halau Hula O Leilani Registration for Hula and Tahitian Classes
Call (or text) kumu Leilani Rivera Low at 808-651-0682 to register now through December for hula classes and Tahitian classes in Kapaa and Koloa.
Mondays – hula classes at Ka Ui o ka Aina center in Coconut Marketplace, Kapaa. Kaikamahine ages 5-12 at 5:00 pm. Teens & wahine 6:30– 8:00 pm
Tuesdays – Koloa Neighborhood Center, hula classes for girls ages 4-12 from 3:45 pm
Wednesdays – Tahitian classes for kaikamahine by Ariel Leilani Bond
at 6:00-6:45 pm at Courtyard by Marriott Hotel.
Thursdays – Tahitian Class for teens, Koloa Neighborhood Ctr, 4:30 – 5:30 pm
Saturdays – Tahitian classes for teens & wahine by Ariel Leilani Bond,
11:00 am- 12:00 pm at Hawaiian Cultural Center in Coconut Marketplace.
Info: Leilani Low or text (808) 651-0682 or email darryl.leilani@
Ongoing Thursdays, 4:00 – 5:30 pm
Aloha International’s
“Halau Hula Na Lei Kupua O Kaua’I”
Dance, Chant, Language & Legends
Under the direction of Ho’opa’a Fern Merle-Jones & Kumu Susan Pa’iniu Floyd
Under the guidance of Hula Loea Kawaikapuokalani Hewett
Ongoing & drop in adult guests are welcome; No prior experience required
Kilauea Dance & Fitness Center
$15 donation
Info: Call Fern Merle-Jones, (808) 639-0964;
2nd, 3rd, 4th Saturdays, 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Kauai Museum’s Saturday Clubs
monthly workshops on unique island traditions
Kauai Museum daily public tours, 10:30 am to noon
Led by knowledgeable & entertaining docents
Free with admission to the museum
The Kauai Museum, Keepers of the Culture
Info: (808) 245-6931
Waimea Plantation Lifestyle Tour
Ongoing – Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,
volunteer guides lead walking tours through
the Waimea Plantation Cottages and the Waimea
Sugar Company “camp” houses, which date from the
turn of the 20th century. Tours take approximately
90 minutes and are limited to 12 people.
Waimea Town
Info: (808) 337-1005
Kauai Dance Theatre
Summer/Fall Term begins August 12
12 week dance sessions in Kalaheo for ages 4 yrs to adult
Ballet – Pre-ballet through Ballet Level V
Tap Dance – beginner, intermediate, morning short term adult classes
Private lessons in ballet, tap, contemporary styles available
Janie Crane, Director, 332-9737,
For more info: visit www.KauaiDanceTheatre.
Kauai Dance Center
Professional dance training ages 3 through advanced.
Beginning Adults welcome.
Dance classes for all ages and abilities
Ballet, Hip Hop, Lyrical, Spanish dance & Modern Dance.
Directors, Jennifer Bell-Grey & Mel Bell-Grey
Dance season Aug 2018-May 2019 – enrolling now
Start lessons anytime throughout the year
Performing opportunities available
Schedule your free trial class today.
Tel: (808) 823-9588 Cell/text (415) 990-5145
Accredited teacher graduate of the Royal Ballet School London, England. Diploma Royal Academy of Dancing.?Home Studio located at Eyes Wide Open Productions Nawiliwili/Lihue as well as a satellite studio on the North Shore, Princeville community center.
Aloha Dance Studio — Enrolling now
full schedule online at
Professional instruction for ages 3 through adult
Hip Hop, Tap, Jazz, Ballet, Pointe, Modern,
Flamenco, Contemporary and Lyrical jazz
Elite Company Groups
Freaky Fridays at Kukui Grove Center every October
Beginner through Advanced welcome
Info: Tiffany Dodge, (808) 245-1810
Every Sunday, 4:30-7:30 pm
Open Mic
Paco’s Tacos Cantina, Poipu
Every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Group `Ukulele Classes by Kirk Smart
Hanalei Strings and Things, Ching Young Village, Hanalei
Info: Kirk Smart,; (808) 826,9633
Wednesday nights, 6:00 – 9:00 pm
Easy Living Jazz Duet — Helen Turner, flute; Jeff Iglesia, guitar
Hukilau Lanai
Every Wednesday Night, 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Larry Rivera’s Love & Aloha Show (Every Wednesday)
Larry & Lurline performing
Cafe Portofino, Kalapaki
Other Larry Rivera Live Performances:
Every Friday Afternoon, 5:00 pm
Coconut Marketplace Center Stage, Waipouli
Every Saturday, 1:00 pm
Kauai Museum, Lihue
Every Sunday, 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Garden Island Grill, Koloa town
Info: Larry Rivera,
Thursdays. 1:00 – 2:00 pm
Qi Gong Golden 8
A Beginning Qi Gong Class – ONGOING
Promotes balancing the body for greater health, increasing vitality,
and radiating more energy
Lihue Neighborhood Center
Turn at AT&T on Kuhio Hwy, drive down two blocks to Eono St,
turn right and drive down one block to the Center; park in the
parking lot and go to the Old Main Hall.
Free for all ages
Info: (808) 635-0306; Peter Sterne
Fitness Classes in Kalaheo and Poipu
Barre, Yoga, Pilates, TRX, Circuit
Location: Southside sports Center (Poipu) and Private Studio (Kalaheo),
call (808) 332-6320 for directions
Info: Jodee Burris, ACE Certified Group Fitness Instructor, 212-4034,
Current schedule & fees online:
Kupuna Wellness Ageless Beauty Fitness Program
with Rose T. Warken Ceballos, certified fitness trainer, instructor,
Wellness Guidance, Author
Monday, 8 – 9:30 am: Total Conditioning – Hanapepe N Ctr
Monday, 10:30 – 11:30 am: ChairAerobic-Koloa N Ctr
Wednesday, 8:00 – 9:30 am: Body and Mind Clarity – Kalaheo N Ctr
Friday, 8 – 9:30 am: Total Conditioning – Kalaheo N Ctr
Classes are free and for Seniors
You will need your doctor’s approval before beginning a new exercise program
Info: (808) 652-8985;
Rose’s classes have support recognition from County of Kauai
Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8:30 – 9:45 am
Aloha Aerobics
Stretch, step and weights – complete fun workshop for Baby Boomers in particular; All Welcome
All Saints Gym, Kapaa
Info: (808) 822-3817
* * * * * * *
“The problem with doing nothing is not knowing when you’re finished”
–Nelson DeMille