Call For Entries Mu’umu’u Contest & Fashion Show
I invite you to be creative, have fun and win cash prizes by designing & sewing a Mu’umu’u in this first-of-its-kind contest!
Contest and Fashion Show will take place at the Mu’umu’u P’ina, a benefit luncheon for the Kauai Historical Society on January 28th at 11am at Smith’s Tropical Paradise. This contest is presented by the Garden Island Arts Council.
Strut your stuff (or bring a model) for our guest judges in 3 Categories of Mu’umu’u design: Formal • Casual • Avant Garde
How to get started:
1) Read all Contest Rules online
2) Register and submit $40 entry fee (includes access to the event)
3) Pick up FREE fabric, if desired
4) Start designing and sewing
5) Contest entry deadline is January 7th
6) Finish your mu’u!
7) Fashion Show at the Mu’umu’u Pa’ina on January 28th!
To participate, please visit to read all the rules and register. Don’t wait too long—participation is limited to 35 first come first served Contest Entrants!
Tickets for the Mu’umu’u Pa’ina luncheon will go on sale to the general public Mid-November at This will be a sensational day filled with yummy lunch buffet, live Hawaiian music, exciting silent auction, historical fashion displays, and build your own bouquet pop up with the Pua Bar!