When Sistah Robi rolls into town, expect the unexpected

When Sistah Robi rolls into town, expect the unexpected

Photos on Facebook  for March 26 EKK #9; Mahalo to Tashi http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.369818496392191.90067.173083409399035&type=1 It really was not through any fault of theirs when Sistah Robi and Ku Kahakalau came to do EKK Monday in March 2006 that...
When you see, hear and feel the Aloha, it’s the real deal

When you see, hear and feel the Aloha, it’s the real deal

Photos on Picasa for March 19 EKK #8; Mahalo to Tashi http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.365148256859215.89113.173083409399035&type=1 Troy Lazaro • Photo by Tashi I first laid eyes on Troy Lazaro when he was a slip of a boy, probably still in high school,...
Kaua’i’s Own Ukulele Boy Wonder – Aldrine

Kaua’i’s Own Ukulele Boy Wonder – Aldrine

Meet Aldrine Guerrero Photos on Picasa for March 12 EKK #7; Mahalo to Tashi http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.360977633942944.88266.173083409399035&type=1   At the end of last Monday’s program, a gentleman came up and told me how much he loved...
The Traveling Troubadours of Paniola Music

The Traveling Troubadours of Paniola Music

“The Traveling Troubadours of Paniola Music” Photos on Picasa for February 27 EKK #5; Mahalo to Anne O’Malley https://picasaweb.google.com/109766123679939219619/EKanikapilaKakouGuestGordonFreitas#slideshow/5715399666179846226 “Local...

“The LT Smooth Phenomenom”

Photos on Facebook for February 20 EKK #5; mahalo to Tashi: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.346338308740210.85168.173083409399035&type=1 Taking a Journey with Vakanui Each Monday as EKK groupees and new attendees step through the doors of the Jasmine...

“Take Me Back to the Days of Old Hawaii”

on Facebook for March 6 EKK Monday; mahalo to Tashi: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.336675913039783.83679.173083409399035&type=1 Guess who is coming to EKK? Statistics and data may sound boring to some, but surely not for those of us who are presenting...