Saturday November 2
2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
1:30 pm registration
Lawai International Center

A Taiko Drumming Lecture-Demonstration and Hands-On Workshop for Beginners of All Ages will be presented by members of Taiko Kaua’i amongst the 88 Shrines of Lawai International Center. Come experience this opportunity to touch the heart of a rhythmic tradition.

Taiko Kaua`i school of traditional Japanese drumming was established 18 years ago. The members graciously offer this seventh annual and largest hands-on drumming experience on Kaua’i. We warmly welcome you for an afternoon filled with pulsating sounds that will echo through the valley!

Suggested minimum donation $20.00. Students and children free.
All proceeds benefit the 501c3 nonprofit organization.

CLICK here to donate and register.

For more information contact,
text or call (808) 651-8893.